
CWB Weld Testing in Winnipeg

CWB weld testing will be offered November 28th & December 14th at the Winnipeg Training Center. Please contact the Winnipeg office to reserve a spot.

New Training Dates

New dates have been added for H2S Alive Training and CWB Testing as follows.

H2S Alive Training

November 17th @ Regina Training Center 8:30AM
Please call Mona at the Regina office to reserve a seat

Regina CWB Test Dates

November 16th, December 8th and January 18th
Please call the Regina office to book a test time

New Boilermakers App

A new smartphone app that works on Apple, Android and Windows 10 devices is helping Canadian Boilermakers make it easier to find work and check in at job sites. The bilingual app, Boilermaker Job Ready, was launched in May and has just been updated to let members get notifications of new job calls, view and apply for open job calls and add themselves to the Travel Card pool. Any Boilermaker who has a Members Only account on can also log in to update information for dispatchers, present their Core Safety Training information for jobsite check-in and view announcements, in addition to the job-call features. The app is available free on Android, Apple and Microsoft app stores. For more information, please visit

Local 555 Christmas Parties

See details for all Local 555 Christmas parties below.


Date Saturday, December 3rd
Time: 1-4PM
Location: Golden Mile Bowling Lanes on Alberts St.
Details: Click here for registration details! (PDF)



Date Sunday, December 11th
Time: 9-11:30AM
Location: Kid City – 550 Archibald St. Winnipeg
Details: Click here for registration details! (PDF)


Thunder Bay

Date Friday, December 9th
Time: 6-11PM
Location: Victoria Inn – 555 West Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, ON – Embassy Room
Details: Click here for registration details! (PDF)

New Welding Instructors

Welding Instructors have been hired for both Regina & Winnipeg Training Centers beginning November 1st. Please watch for CWB test dates to be announced soon.

Brother Dave Clark

We are sorry to announce the passing of Brother Dave Clark on September 3, 2016.

CWB Weld Testing

CWB Weld Testing is scheduled for August 16th, starting at 8:30am, in Regina. Please call the Regina office to register.

2017 Boilermaker Calendar Photo Call

Planning for the 2017 Calendar is taking place and we need photos of Boilermakers from across Canada.

We are looking for Boilermakers in the workplace. The photos need to be at least 1MB in size but the bigger the better. The photo call is to all 36 Local Lodges right across Canada. Please send the photos to and let’s celebrate what makes this union great, the Boilermaker.

Photos must be submitted by August 31, 2016.

Energy East Action Network – Sign Petition Today!

Our industry needs your help. We are appealing to you to speak out in supporting our industry and your participation is vital. Bill e-216 isn’t about just TransCanada, it’s our entire industry and Canadians that are facing a direct threat from the opposition. I know we collectively agree on this but without a significant outcry from the general public we are at risk of significantly reducing our future opportunities building any pipelines. Please get this urgent message out. Let’s all speak out for what we believe is one of the safest, environmentally friendly and economically beneficial modes of transportation.

Sign the Petition Today!